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Imkan Properties

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//Imkan Properties – Corporate shooting

Photographie Corporate

Category : Photography

Shooting Corporate

Shooting des équipes de la société IMKAN PROPERTIES MOROCCO au sein leur siège a Rabat pour les besoin de communication digitale et institutionnelle. Shooting en studio mobile avec fond ,noir et flashs adaptés, en plus des different-tes mises en scene au sein de leurs bureaux, salles de reunion, espaces communs etc.

  • Date : 4.9.2019
  • Location : Rabat, Maroc.
Aida FENNIRI - Head Of Marketing

The most organized, down to earth, Professional and talented photographer I've ever worked with. Not only that, his skill at relaxing you, whilst taking the most amazing photos is highly unique. Not only would I recommend Mr Darem time and time again, but I'll be booking him for any project I do that needs a photographer.

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